Federal Group Life Insurance
The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program was established on August 29, 1954. It is the largest group life insurance program in the world, covering over 4 million Federal employees and retirees, as well as many of their family members.
Most employees are eligible for FEGLI coverage. FEGLI provides group term life insurance. As such, it does not build up any cash value or paid-up value. FEGLI coverage consists of Basic life insurance coverage and three options (A, B, & C). You must have Basic insurance in order to elect any of the optional coverage.

The cost of Basic federal employee insurance is shared between the employee and the Government. Age does not affect the cost of Basic insurance. Options A, B, & C do not have shared costs and are fully paid for by the employee.

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FEGLI.org is not connected with or endorsed by the local, state, or federal government.